Denise Pattiz Bogard

Exploring the intersection of race, poverty, and family in inner-city St. Louis. 

After a series of miscarriages and the failure of her marriage, Lisa Harris, a white, suburban woman, finds herself in deep despair. Eager to embrace parenthood in any way possible, she accepts a job as foster mother in St. Louis to four teenage girls who have been pulled from their homes. Lisa is immediately overwhelmed by the challenges of parenting troubled girls with a vastly different background, culture, religion and race. Yet, doggedly, she stays committed to the job, where she learns that healing herself and others requires more than good intentions.  

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Additional Testimonials and Reviews

"My first responsibility as a book discussion facilitator is to choose the books that I offer to my groups.  I look for books that are well-written, interesting to read, and that will engender thoughtful discussion on the part of the participants.  I particularly enjoy finding novels that focus on contemporary and important themes.  When I read 'The Middle Step,' I felt that Bogard was giving her readers a way into the very timely conversation of race, poverty and family that has become a heightened subject over this past year." 
Judy Levin
Facilitator for 30 Chicago area book clubs
White privilege is under scrutiny in the United States, and I believe your book will shed some much needed light on the issue in Saint Louis.  
Your book provides us with a civil and thought provoking means to spark change in Saint Louis.  Due to the culture of Saint Louis, it takes a white woman of privilege to tell the story of impoverished Black children. Otherwise their voices would only be heard in bloodshed.  Undeniably, you are an authentic voice for the muted voices in Saint Louis!"
Stephanie Blue
English Department Chairman, Lift For Life Academy High School 
An unflinching, brave and masterly novel, Bogard confronts America’s troubled racial landscape with compassion, veracity, and moments of surprising grace. This is a poignant, deeply felt story, with characters so richly developed, authentic and human they will live with you long after you put The Middle Step down. A powerful and important debut, this is art at its highest calling: political, yet personal, and daring to reach for the universal truths of the human condition, beyond the color divide.
Jaimee Wriston Colbert
Shark Girls and Climbing the God Tree
"The forlorn streets of North St. Louis serve as backdrop for this compelling and well-rendered tale of damaged people learning to trust each other and, with luck, escape the bonds of their darkly troubled pasts. With heartbreaking honesty, The Middle Step inhabits the lives of young women whose stories are too often marginalized.  Denise Pattiz Bogard has gifted us with a novel that breaks our hearts even as it reminds us of the power of love and the importance of hope."
David Haynes
A Star in the Face of the Sky and The Full Matilda
"In The Middle Step, Denise Pattiz Bogard sheds light on a small section of St. Louis that can act as a microcosm for the nation, that place where race and religion and wealth and poverty and educational opportunities or their lack all converge, where what seems real both is and is not, where each border and boundary, real or imagined, is reinforced by rumor and stereotyping and distrust. The Middle Step is not only fast-paced and expertly plotted, but is full of characters we worry about, root for, are frightened for, and come to love."
Mary Troy
Beauties and Cookie Lily
“A splendid look at the effects of racism and social class.” “It is a masterfully created story that both reflects and speaks to a mind that is looking for meaning and sense within the nonsense and repeated tragedies in this world. It does not have a happy saccharine ending, but it does contain the germ of hope, the basis of true life. I could not put down the book during the last 150 pages. It is very well written and an excellent read. "
Chautauqua Prize Entry
Judges & Jury
"I read your book and loved it. It was hard to put down. All of the characters became very real to me. It provides a hopeful message in a place where hope is so needed."
Hon. Jill Schupp
Missouri State Senator
We all know that there are racial and economic lines that divide our community. Here's a novel full of vivid characters--fearful, damaged, foolish, and courageous characters-- who are struggling to cross that divide. The Middle Step shines a compassionate light on our divided world.
John Dalton
The Inverted forest and Heaven Lake
"It was so interesting hearing your insights and your experiences with challenged teens. [Our book club] appreciated your wisdom and your advice regarding your work with them.  Our group enjoyed the book as we connected with the teens.  We see so many of the same type of issues arise and we had a lively discussion about each of the characters and how we, as CASA, would have advocated for them."
Elizabeth Sammann
Advocate Manager, CASA Lake County, Illinois

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