My second novel, AFTER ELISE, named a Finalist in Faulkner-Wisdom Creative Writing Contest

 My second novel, AFTER ELISE, was named a FINALIST this fall in the FAULKNER-WISDOM CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST.  The novel (Ardent Writers Press, summer 2018) tells the story of the rippling effects of a tragic accident on the driver, her family, and the victim’s family.

I originally wrote the book as part of my MFA thesis. Over the course of many years, I revised, revised and revised the novel, worked with two different New York literary agents and then shelved the book. I then spent years on my novel, THE MIDDLE STEP, published by High Hill Press in autumn 2015. This past winter I reread AFTER ELISE, could see the flaws and rewrote the novel yet again! 

As with THE MIDDLE STEP, I will be offering discounts to book clubs and will visit and/or skype in to any book club anywhere!

More news to follow….